Month: October 2022

  1. Found a house in one of the hills …

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    We found a house. Invoiced for another asbestos test today, this time for this house. Fingers crossed everything turns out ok!
  2. House prices falling… ever so slightly every week

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    US Fed increased interest rates again but with a caveat that they might not do it frequently in the future. That dipped the markets suddenly and then it came back up again. Not sure how many caveats in day-to-day life have that kind of response at a global level! I can see prices are dropping, […]
  3. Found an awesome site for suburb related information..

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    I recently found a website that tells us a lot about a suburb. The most interesting statistic for us has been the safety score. It lists different types of crimes and goes into some more detail. The site is It’s free to use and awesome!
  4. Glut or no glut

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    Will there be a glut in the market between the months of September and the end of the year? I noticed a pattern in the last month – mid-August to mid-September. It appears that in a few days, roughly about a week, houses dry up in the market. No new listings show up. It starts […]
  5. Termites and borer infestation

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    We went house inspection about a fortnight ago. We liked the neighborhood, the house, courtyard. Everything was good. Until we got hold of the structural inspection report. This house is close to a storm drain. Not only was there a termite and borer problem, but it also had its piers shifted at an almost 60-degree […]
  6. Asbestos report came back ….

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    And it was not good 🙁 Although the house is an early 1980s build, asbestos is found behind the switchboard, splash back tiles in the kitchen, and wet areas in the bathrooms. I liked this house. I was hoping that this test came out clear. Very disappointed today :(. Search begins in earnest again tomorrow […]
  7. Options

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    A couple of things have changed since we started house hunting about 4 months ago. House prices had started to slip gently in the month of May 2022. But not enough for us to venture without guilt. This is our first home, one where we hope to see our kids grow up. We have a […]
  8. More on Asbestos…

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    We did some more digging. Asbestos isn’t an issue in the rest of the world it would appear. Especially in construction. It was rightly banned( or was stopped from active use) in the 1980s in many countries. Europe in 1983, America in 1989, and many Asian countries in the 2000s. However, it would appear that […]