Back after hosting issues

Last Modified: Published: 2022/07

<19th July 2022, 16:27>

This is my first post after a hosting debacle with my hosting company. I appear to have lost the first set of posts. 🙁

To repeat what little I wrote in the previous posts that are not lost.

My spouse and I are looking for our first property. We don’t have a plan to build an investment portfolio in the real estate market. However, we would absolutely LOVVVEEE.. to own a nice, homely home where we can safely bring up our two children.

We want a home in a good school catchment, safe neighborhood, at a reasonable price, and feels like a nice place to live and grow old in. If this sounds too Hollywoodesque, it’s not. Trust me! Most people have these very reasonable plans. It beats me why they are so unattainable in this day and age in our great country.



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